Monday, October 6, 2008


In the interest of quelling heated debates with family members Nicole and I (mostly I) will try to keep political blogs to a minimum over the next 30 days...

For all you Bush/Cheney + McCain/Palin advocates... 'Quell' means to suppress or subdue, bless your hearts... you'll learn.

Was that offsides? :)

In any event, we're voting Obama.


Unknown said...

It's your blog. Quell away!! But just know your Mother is VERY concerned..... Not that I love McCain, but Obama makes me much more nervous! (He is an eloquent speaker....don't be lead down a primrose path too easily.)
By the way, I did know the meaning of "quell".
quell - verb
1. put an end to, put a stop to, end, crush, put down, check, crack down on, curb, nip in the bud, squash, quash, subdue, suppress, overcome; informal squelch.
2. calm, soothe, pacify, settle, quiet, silence, allay, assuage, mitigate, moderate; literary stay.

Unknown said...


I'm clueless about politics. All I know is that Tina Fey's Palin spoofs are renewing my faith in SNL! :)

Lauren Call Green said...

You just wanted to get mom all riled up didn't you? Shame on you Shane ;)

k said...

Go Shane and Nikki! I'm with you. This part is for Kristi: I LOVE Obama!

Kris, Andrea, Lacey, Mia, and Kannon said...

YUCK! I'm with your mom, they both suck, but one definetly sucks more than the other. Thats the great thing about America, Your blog.. your right to write what you want and vote how you want.

Anonymous said...

fighting the good fight!! GOBAMA

Casey MacKenzie Johnson said...



Palin id downright terrifying!!